Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Silence is Golden...

My first blog eluded to the fact that I really need some type of artistic inspiration to want to write. It just so happens that I go through periods of inspiration, and then I begin forcing my expressions and then just drop the attempt at expression altogether. So, my last 2-3 blogs have been largely uninspired. I cannot say that this changes much from an inspirational perspective, but I do believe that maybe I should write.

Part of my blog-related silence is that I have been largely consumed by thoughts about changing jobs. So, I've been wrapped up in the following series of thoughts over the last few months:
1. Will I get an interview?
2. Will I get another interview?
3. Will they offer me the job?
4. and throughout all that time...Should I take the job, if it's offered?

There are some definite hurdles to overcome, but there are also great opportunities - at least in the short term - at FedEx. So, that led me to question, what is the long-term perspective on both jobs? I don't feel like there were really any major limits on my potential for growth at Marsh, other than the fact that I would have to move to either a hub or our headquarters, if I wanted to get into the kind of job responsibilities that really suit my strengths/minimize my weaknesses.

At FedEx, on the other hand, I'm already at the headquarters. Now, there's no guaranty that someone doesn't think that I need to move in order to move into better role, but the chances are better. Also, I'm really moving into a role that suits my strengths immediately. At Marsh, I was honing skills that weren't natural strengths. So, it was almost a no brainer. Okay, it should have been a no brainer, but for our purposes we will simplify it and say that it was.

I'll be honest, I think that I would have had to move to Charlotte, Atlanta, New York, etc... to really find something that I would have enjoyed long term at Marsh. So, this really opens up some exciting opportunities right away. Now I just need those of you that might happen onto this blog to be praying that things go well. Start date is August 1.

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