Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Life in a nutshell...

Well, frankly, I haven't writtten anything in quite some time for many reasons. (Incidentally, I don't feel like I've written anything good in even longer, but I'm not going to concern myself with that since this is mainly supposed to be an outlet for me!) First, I haven't had much time. Second, I haven't felt any literary creative juices flowing for some time.

I attribute this to two possible excuses. For one, it could be that corporate, clock-in/out environment of which I swore I would never partake. I actually don't really clock in and out, but it still feels about the same. It amazes me, that I truly believe that I could do a better job sitting in Starbucks with my laptop than behind my desk, but that's neither here nor there. The job is still not bad. It's actually quite challenging which I enjoy. I still can be creative. It just is expressed in different ways than I expected earlier in life. So, work is good, but one reason that I am not consistently inspired to write that story, poem, inspirational epiphany, etc....

The second excuse, and one that without doubt affects me, is a lack of sleep. I have always known that good sleep keeps me at the top of my game. I would say that I am not at the top of my game because our newborn, Charlie, doesn't seem to want allow for much of it. It's completely worth it, though! (Since getting married, I have tried to live by the cliche "Work to live. Don't live to work.") Charlie is quite a handsome boy, and, once we get his digestive issues worked out, I think will be a very chill, cool little brother for Luke. I can't wait for his first smile!

So, what is life in a nutshell and why have I not been inspired to write anything?
1. There is work which is, though not what my 18-year old self had planned, not bad just busy, and often requires long days.
2. There is family which is awesome! I couldn't ask for more.
3. There is finishing up the Leadership Academy's "Community Action Plan." For my team, this is a welcome guide to Hispanics in Memphis that lists vital resources in the community, explains how to use them, whether documentation is necessary, whether Spanish is spoken, etc.... I am so glad that I had just learned the life lesson that it's okay to allow other people to run the show. Rachel has done a great job keeping the project going, and I've just gotten to do some fun things like a focus group in Spanish, translations, phone calls to the organizations, translations, proof-reading, explaining the project, etc....
4. There is Nathan Street when work hasn't kept me out.
5. There is the Argentina mission trip planning.

Well, I think you understand my life in a nutshell. Therefore, the blog just wasn't happening. But, at least you know why!


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