Monday, February 16, 2009

He Cares for You...

Interestingly, I began this blog in a completely worn-down, anxious sentiment. It began as such:

"I can't really explain it, but I feel overwhelmed. I used to have this feeling back in high school. It actually led to me not playing football my sophomore year which definitively put me a step behind my teammates. But, over time, I finally realized that I was doing this to myself...I was dramatizing my life because I felt like others around me were dramatic, and, of course, I needed to be more so.

It took me a few years to realize that my life was really great, that I didn't have to study 10 hours more than anyone else for an exam, work one more shift than any of my friends, be involved in two additional extra curricular activities...I could go on. Late in college, I finally realized what I was doing to myself, and just stopped.

I guess that's why I think I should be able to get control this time. For some reason, though, I am struggling. Maybe it's because it has been so long since I've had this feeling that I don't remember how to kick it. I've been praying for a few days about it, specifically for the Lord to handle my anxieties. That said, I'm just not doing a good job of actually trusting him, or maybe it's because I'm worried about things that have almost nothing to do with his kingdom. It's definitely work-related - please don't mistake this for anything else - and I won't go into details as this just isn't the forum for that."

So, I've actually been praying about this for about a week even though it's been building for 2-3 weeks. I began by trying to pray over Phil. 4:6-7, but nothing was happening. I followed it by praying I Peter 5:7. And it is so true, Cast your anxieties on him because he cares for you. He does care for us. Today, I do feel God's peace that, as it says in Phil., transcends all understanding. Because, frankly, those issues haven't gone away. They are still there, but the Lord is at my side.

Many friends will say that meditation can get you out of these funks, and yet, though I'm sure that is true, this was not me. It was God answering prayer. I have seen him at work answering prayers for me and my family without any merit for years now. He is amazing.


lindley said...

I'm thankful you felt Him working today. God is SO good!

Miss Angie said...

Wow a great entry! I need to get back to reading my Bible. I was planning to read it in one year & I'm sad to say I got busy doing who knows what & haven't read it in a long time. I need all the verses I can get regarding anxiety & stress! Glad to hear everything is working out for you.